Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Honey Soaked ....

The candles shone to their brightest delight. The subtle undertones were unfathomable as the lousy moon dragged its feet under the cozy blanket of dark clouds. The music could feel it coming in the air that went around unimpeded. As the petals shied away in the moist of the evening dew, the muddy waters of the pool, for once, gave up their innate unrest for a more eased out dusk. To hush down was so not in the remotest of natures of rustling leaves, and the only measure left was to let them take charge in the surmounting stillness. The mood was set for every star to step down at terra firma and feel the rush by itself.

That was essentially a drape that could never go wrong on a contour like hers. Those come-hither eyes dramatized by sleek stroke of kohl complemented the red of her dress to hilt. His black suit was just right for the night of quixotic rendezvous. Her penchant for flowers was met with serene ardor as he serenaded her with red tulips, which coyly smiled in her exuberant presence. As her untied hair was tossed nonchalantly by the light scented winds, he couldn’t help but realize how his pulse raced and heart skipped a beat – both at the same time. He was lanky tall; she, a petite young thing on a 2 inch heel. Yet, their eyes were no one’s slave in the free man’s land while engaging in a clairvoyant reverie.

As the velvet sky crooned exotica, it seemed time took a turn back for every moment that passed by. She blushed at every sight of his smile that was meant to delve somewhere deep inside. He loved the way her solitaire recited the untold saga of subtle sensuality. A dash of haunting sweetness in her feminine demeanor was far from classic anecdote that would sweep him off his feet, but amazingly, he found himself going weak all over. He was just another man she would meet across the streets, but wanted to know what about him exuded an aura that was getting inexplicably hard to resist, evermore. With every word that was being spoken over the mosaic shades of the candlelight, they sensed a connection- long since dormant, longing to be forged. It was like the sleeping vows that they had known verbatim, springing back with verve.

It was like a note from a beautiful oeuvre that breathed life of its own.

As the wine poured and glasses clinked, they knew – it was mean to be!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The beauty of a lonely....

It’s time to pull down the shades after day long toil.
And wave to the soothing moonbeam as the zephyr whispers by.
Those walking shadows do not throng the streets anymore,
and retiring to bed comes easy, where the sheets long for the third presence.

It’s just another house along the boulevard,
just another room in the house,
and yet another night in the room.

A night of moments, rendered weak and lost;
Of innate sensations gone astray…..
Because when the yearnings are left unspoken at the brink of nightfall,
You are this raging gush of passion so untamed!

This raw vehemence inside is a mean double- edged sword,
splitting the essence that lies bare in sheer submission.

It is the craving for that mountain wilderness in the whiff of your breath
that makes these eyes seek you even in the dark corners…
and call you out even as the words go unheard.

Night has fallen again, fallen hard.
Your thoughts come knocking at the forbidden doors of mind.
I wonder if you are there, still; I wonder if it were true.
And as the glow fades deep within,
It’s time to say a little prayer,
and turn off the lights!